The Teamz Web3 Summit starts today. #Jasmy will also have a booth. We are also doing a stamp rally.

17 May 2023, 00:20
The Teamz Web3 Summit starts today!! #Jasmy will also have a booth! We are also doing a stamp rally! It will be an enjoyable two days! Everyone is waiting for you! @JasmyMGT @HARA_JasmyCFO @teamz_inc #BTC #虎ノ門ヒルズ #Web3

Same news in other sources

JasmyCoinJASMY #60
17 May 2023, 03:05
There are many visitors! We are waiting at the booth!! #Jasmy $Jasmy @JasmyMGT @HARA_JasmyCFO @JasmyGrant
There are many visitors. We are waiting at the booth. #Jasmy $Jasmy @JasmyMGT @HARA_JasmyCFO @JasmyGrant.
There are many visitors! We are waiting at the booth!! #Jasmy $Jasmy @JasmyMGT @HARA_JasmyCFO @JasmyGrant